Get Ready for Healthcare Changes
Read a few tips to make sense of the new health care changes.
July 09, 2018
Some simple things you can do to prepare
By Cindy Perryman, PRN365 Founder
Dramatic changes are happening in how the US delivers healthcare and how insurance reimburses for services. Medicare is implementing these changes now and the changes will be in full swing by 2020. Even if you are not a Medicare provider, most social service professionals, healthcare professionals, and all hospitals will be impacted. If you are not acting now to adapt, you will struggle to economically and efficiently serve your clients’ needs in the future. If you are working in a rural community, these changes will have an especially big impact on your practice.
Start preparing for the changes now
- Starting with changes to Medicare, the US healthcare system is moving from a fee-for-service reimbursement model to a value-based model. How will this impact you? This change means that you will be paid for your service AND the value of care you provide. You will need to show that your service is valuable, evidence based, and measurable. Learn more about what value-based care is by reading PRN365 Blog “5 Basics About Value-Based Care” coming soon. For a more in-depth understanding of the topic read, Understanding Value-Based Healthcare by Christopher Moriates, MD.
- Integrated healthcare, also called coordinated care, is part of this US healthcare system overhaul. Although integrated healthcare is already being done in settings like The Mayo Clinic (, for many providers this is a huge change. What does this mean for you as a solo practitioner? Working in coordinated patient care teams is important. Integrated patient care teams could involve physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses and other allied health staff, which may include pharmacists, social workers and behavioral health specialists.
- Start with a simple step toward this change by creating more collaborative working relationships with other professionals and agencies in your community. Start learning more about integrated health care. PRN365 Blog “5 Tips about Integrated Health Care,” which will be coming soon. Find out what changes are happening, or have already taken place in your local hospitals and clinics. If you become involved now, you can be part of those changes, and you will be included in the integrated health care model as it emerges.
- If you are already part of an integrated system like a clinic or hospital, find out how these changes are affecting your organization. Be an active participant in implementing and shaping these changes so you can be part of this quickly evolving healthcare landscape.
How will you find the time to make these changes? makes time for you because we:
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