Housing Authority of Okanogan County (Section 8 or Housing Choice Voucher Program)
HAOC unlocks its service Housing Choice Voucher Program
April 10, 2020
Okanagon folks who have struggled to find an affordable home have an opportunity to apply as HAOC unlocks its service Housing Choice Voucher Program(formerly known as Section 8 voucher program) from April 16 at 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on May 29, 2020!!!
(Applications are available now, but won’t be accepted until the above-mentioned dates)
Once you meet all the criteria, you can apply for the wait list and its open for the following vouchers: Section 8, Veterans vouchers (VASH), and Mainstream vouchers.
The HAOC was awarded 75 new Mainstream vouchers and they are ready to start issuing those vouchers to those qualifying families. An eligible family will be composed of one or more non-elderly person with verifiable disability (meeting HUD’s definition of disability) and be 18 years of age or older and less than 62 year of age.
Eligible Mainstream Voucher applicants will be ranked against HAOC’s preference system, which includes the following:
- Transitioning out of an institutional or other segregated setting
- Currently experiencing homelessness
- Previously experienced homelessness and currently is a client in a permanent supportive housing or rapid rehousing project
- At risk of experiencing homelessness
Apply and request applications for the waiting list can be obtained by:
- Send email to info@okanoganhousing.org
- Dial - 509-322-5057
- Fax - 509-422-1713
- They can be picked at the office location - 431 5th Ave West, Omak.
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